What makes counselling different than talking to a good friend or a trusting family member? How can you trust someone you have never met with some of your deepest struggles? If I start counselling will it really be helpful? These are all really important and valid questions to have.

Here are some reasons why counselling can be so great in helping you move forward in your life:

  • Counselling offers a non-judgmental and safe space to be able to discuss anything that is troubling you without any worry that it will impact the listener. Sometimes we hold back when we speak to our loved ones out of fear it may stress them out.
  • Natural supports like friends and family are an imperative part to maintaining our mental health. However, they cannot substitute professional help for issues like anxiety, burnout, depression, trauma, relationship concerns etc. Similar to how we might seek support from a chiropractor when we experience physical pain, we can seek support from a psychologist when we do not feel well mentally and relationally.
  • Counselling with a psychologist is confidential, which means you can trust what you talk about will stay between you and your therapist.
  • Psychologists are highly trained in the areas of counselling they provide and are required to stay up to date with the latest research and techniques. You will receive support based on methods that have shown to be helpful for others in similar situations.
  • Creating lasting changing in your life can be daunting and difficult to do on your own. With a psychologist you will not be alone and your psychologist can be there to highlight the incremental changes that occur in the growth process that you may not notice on your own.

Human beings are meant to receive support from one another. The first step in reaching out for support can feel overwhelming and confusing at times. We offer 15 minute free phone consultations so you have an opportunity to ask more questions. Here you can discuss with our Psychologist how counselling can be helpful for your specific concerns.

Book your free consultation today with our Psychologist to see how Harleen can be a guide in your journey.