It takes a lot of courage to start the journey, so take a moment to honor yourself on taking this first step. When trying to determine how to choose a psychologist it can be overwhelming. There are so many different types of therapies and therapists out there that can help you on your journey. Sometimes it can feel like you are shopping for a therapist that matches what you are looking for and someone you feel comfortable with. Knowing where to look, what to look for, and how it will help you will provide you with a smoother experience, especially if you have never been to therapy before.

Here are a few tips to help guide you in your search on how to choose a psychologist:

  • Utilizing directories for psychologists, like Psychology Today, can be a great place to start so you can filter out what is important to you in your search.
  • Identify what you may want to work on in therapy so you can search for therapists who have experience and training in these areas.
  • Several different approaches to therapy can be helpful to treat the same concerns. It is the level of trust and alignment you feel with your therapist that is more indicative of whether therapy will be helpful for you according to research.
  • Read the psychologists’ bio to see if you resonate with them. This can be your first window to how the therapist sees the process of therapy.
  • Book a free consultation with them to ask any specific questions you may have and check-in to see if your schedules align for appointments.
  • Share any experiences you may have had with therapists in the past and what you find helpful and unhelpful. This transparency allows your therapist to understand what you are looking for and they can communicate if their counselling style may fit with you.

You can book a free consultation with us online today to see if we would be a good fit for you!