Table of Contents

  • Inflammation can be classified into two categories
  • Common Symptoms 
  • Foods that INCREASE inflammation 
  • Anti-inflammatory foods (DECREASE inflammation)
  • Prevention and Treatment Practice’s

Feel aching pain? Stiffness? Swelling and redness? These can all be a result of inflammation in your body. The process of inflammation is the body’s defense mechanism against injuries or infections or anything it may find harmful. We will be discussing more about the common symptoms of inflammation and anti-inflammatory foods, with the goal of motivating you to start introducing these practice’s into your lifestyle.

Inflammation can be classified into two categories:

  • Acute: Acute inflammation is for a short period, it disappears in a couple hours or a few days. Injuries like sprains and bacterial infections and viruses can cause acute inflammation. It is a result of an instant response to an attack happening to the body from the outside in the form of any kind of virus, bacterial infection or trauma/injuries.
  • Chronic: Chronic inflammation is the major culprit behind many diseases. Chronic means when the inflammation lasts for a long time, generally months to years or even a lifetime. Unhealthy eating, physical inactivity, obesity are a few factors that contribute to chronic inflammation.

Common Symptoms:

  • Redness/ Tenderness over the pain area
  • Swelling
  • Aching
  • Heat/ warmth releasing from the affected area
  • Stiffness

Foods that INCREASE inflammation:

  • Refined sugar/ Sugary drinks
  • Refined carbohydrates
  • Processed meats
  • Fried foods
  • Highly refined oils
  • Excessive alcohol consumption

Anti-inflammatory foods (DECREASE inflammation):

  • Turmeric
  • Flax seeds/oil
  • Chia seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Broccoli
  • Olive oil
  • Avocados
  • Green tea
  • Berries
  • Fish (Salmon, Cod)

Prevention and Treatment Practice’s:

  • Icing is very beneficial in promoting relief from acute inflammation.
  • Decreasing consumption of inflammatory foods (listed above) in your diet.
  • Incorporating high omega 3 content foods or supplementation.
  • Physical movement is extremely beneficial because it helps increase blood flow and flush out waste products like inflammation throughout your bodies joints and soft tissue (muscle, tendons, ligaments). Something as little as 15 minutes of FAST-PACED walking or jogging a day will have a great positive impact on your body.
  • Maintaining a good weight helps in contributing to overall good inflammation levels in our bodies.

Book now with our Chiropractor If you’re suffering from inflammation and would like more information on anti-inflammatory supplementation.