Table of Contents

  • Signs and Symptoms
  • Causes
    • Type 1 Diabetes   
    • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Myths and Facts
  • Affects of diabetes on our body

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases that affects the human population. A hormone called insulin is released by the pancreas that regulates the body’s blood sugar levels. When the body is unable to produce an adequate amount of insulin or use it properly, this condition is called diabetes. There are two different types of diabetes. One that is genetic which typically develops in childhood (Type 1), and another that develops mostly in adulthood due to unhealthy eating and a poor lifestyle (Type 2). Excessive presence of blood sugars in our body affects and damages multiple organs/areas including the kidneys, heart and nerves.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Frequent Urination
  • Thirst/ dry mouth
  • Inadequate sleep
  • Blurred vision
  • Increased hunger
  • Loss of weight
  • Fatigue
  • Infections (skin infections & vaginal infections)
  • Gradual healing of wounds


Type 1 Diabetes:

The exact cause of Type 1 diabetes is unknown, but many believe the root cause to be genetic and by numerous environmental factors.

Type 2 Diabetes:

This is the most prevalent form of diabetes. A person diagnosed with type 2 diabetes will have various factors that may have caused the condition. Some of these include physical inactivity, being overweight or obese, age, genes or family history.

Myths and Facts:

Myth: Eating lots of sugar can cause diabetes.

Fact: It is okay to consume sugar as long as its consumed in the appropriate portions, and alongside foods that will help decrease the uptake of that sugar into our bloodstream. Consuming sugar itself is not the root cause of diabetes. People get confused thinking that consumption of sugary drinks and sweets will lead to diabetes. When consuming food, the food gets converted into glucose (blood sugar). Your body then releases insulin which helps push this glucose into our cells. In the case of diabetes, the body is unable to use insulin properly, or unable to produce enough insulin which shoots up the blood sugar levels. Maintaining a wholesome diet can prevent your body from hiking up your sugar levels drastically.

Myth: I only have borderline diabetes, I don’t need to worry.

Fact: Borderline diabetes is the same thing as Prediabetic. This means you have high blood sugar levels, but they are not high enough to have you be recognized as a diabetic. When you are diagnosed as prediabetic, it indicates that you are at a higher risk of developing diabetes in the upcoming years, if precautions are not taken. You can control this by incorporating physical activity in your routine and reducing and maintaining a healthy weight. Both of which will help in regulating your blood sugar levels.

Affects of diabetes on our body:

  • Heart Problems: High blood sugar levels can result in damaging blood vessels which may lead to heart strokes/attacks.
  • Eye Problems: Some individuals can develop eye problems resulting in vision loss and cataracts.
  • Kidney Disease: Diabetic nephropathy or kidney disease is due to high blood pressure and high blood sugar deposits in the bloodstream. These can make it tough for fluids and waste to flush out smoothly or quickly.
  • Nerve Damage: With increased sugar levels, you can damage nerves causing several problematic conditions. Some of these include digestive issues, decreased sensation, and swelling in your feet or hands.
  • Gum Disease: Red, bleeding or swollen gums are a sign of high blood sugar. You can avoid this by regularly cleaning your teeth properly, using antiseptic mouthwash, and following your dentist’s recommendations.

For further nutritional counselling support, book your appointment with Dr. Warring now!